More Conversations With God

Whilst praying for my Brother felt The Lord Say                                                                                                  1/Put Everything Down Let Yourself Be Filled With God's Love Then Surely You Will Be Able To Love                 Then was told  Don't Look At The Splinter in Your Brother's Eye Look At the Log in Your Own

  2/ While in a garden in Essex was looking at the clouds when I saw a shape that prompted me to reach for my Bible . Began  walking round the garden praying felt the Lord say to me  You Have To Become Less And I have To Become More       my immediate response was to say yes I can do this . But then I started to think if I do this will I not lose who I am my identity my personality .         It was then I felt the Lord  say  No What You Will Lose Is Your Anger Your Bitterness Your Un-Forgiveness Your Inability To Love . All The Things You Have Learnt Since Childhood.                           It was then I said if do this I will become like a child .  To which He replied Yes .  

 3/ Even though I had thought I had given my Life to Jesus had reached a point  where I had become suicidal . One day was sitting on a bench contemplating how I was going to end my life when a man came ,and sat by my side , and proceeded to tell me all his problems . Eventually he left , and carried on with my thoughts when suddenly felt the Lord say . If You Don't Want Your Life Give It To Me . In an instant I said Lord its Yours . Many times since have wandered of the path ,but He always brings me back    

 4/When very ill ,and not knowing how to go on went to bed one night , and asked that I did not want to wake up next day  . Well I did wake , and within two days I had designed (invented ) four board games . This went on for another ten months where I produced fourteen games a new design for a turbine that can produce 100% output for 30% input a design for a growing structure ,plus a number of other things . Have to add the wonderful support I received from my Dear Mum ,and Aunt Doll . Not sure how they put up with me ,and without their love and understanding would not have been able to complete this .